Sunday, May 1, 2016

Catch Up

Hey guys I'm blogging pretty late I know. The reason I'm blogging right now is because I can't fall asleep.  Anyway today was an amazing day for me.  I got a PS4 this machine is amazing.  I was up until right now playing.  I'm super addicted.  Probably more addicted than how addicted I am to my phone.  I got this amazing piece of technology from Frys.  The people there were super nice and offered amazing deals.  Something funny is that the guy helping us was the manager and he was Persian.  So my dad spoke with him and we got an employee discount.  It was 10% off so we basically didn't pay for tax.  I thought how much luckier could my day get.  At around 3 my family went to my sisters elementary school for a carnival and then we went to the Third Street Promanade and had Cheesecake Factory.  It was amazing.  Hey guys if you guys have any suggestions or ideas I should blog about put it down in the comments and I will try to do what you guys want.  Thanks!

Monday, April 25, 2016

Don't Buy the 7

Ever since Feburary the big thing with Apple is there new iPhones.  And now that people are looking ahead of the iPhone 7 and looking at the 7s or the 2017 iPhone I have concluded that getting the new iPhone 7 is a bad idea.  The iPhone 7 Pro will come with a dual lens set up.  Which is basically two cameras, but is that really a good thing.  If this new phone comes with a dual lens set up it doesn't mean the camera will be great.  The reason for this is that the new system will be launched with many unknown glitches that Apple would fix after there next iPhone.  Anyways there won't be many big changes to the iPhone for the 7, but the 2017 iPhone will be completly remodeled and have a new amazing look. Not only that it may have wireless charging and Li-Fi, an extremely fast wifi.  So I can't stress it enough how much people need to wait for the 7s. 

Saturday, April 23, 2016


Hi guys this week I want to talk to you guys about drones.  This week I have bought a Parrot Bebop.  This drone sucks, and it is the same price as the DJI Phantom. This drone runs on a 2.4 or 5 GHZ WIFI connection, and streams videos.  When I was flying this drone the highest I went was about 300 feet, but sadly it disconnected and stayed in the air until it ran out of battery.  This was a huge down side.  Basically, this drone is for people that don't really want to go high, but for my purposes this was horrible and it broke after 2 days.  DO NOT get this drone.  The DJI Phantom has a better quality connection that can go roughly 4 miles away, and 400 feet high.  It also has a camera capable of 4K video.  It runs on a connection that is much better than a phone on a WIFI connection.  It has its own remote and can run so much better. Next week when I get this drone I will be giving you guys a review on the DJI Phantom 3 Standard.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Fake Friends

Whenever you go to middle school you realize somewhat who your friends should be and if they are going to be good with you or play their games on you.  I just found out I have one of those friends that plays games on me and speaks out of his butt.  He is always mean to people and always trying to get his way and bully others.  This isn't right. If you ever have a friend that constantly hits you or messes with you and it isn't a joke and it happens every day get away from them.  Your also gonna have those friends that teach you bad things, unfortunetly that what happened with me.  I had a friend that taught me bad things and got me into trouble all the time.  Well as of right now I'm down with him and all of his bs.  As of right now I'll do my best to never have a friend like that again.  I wish everyone luck and hope you don't get stuck into the situation that I got into and I hope I can get out of what is happening to me. FUCKKKKK YOUUUUU JUDSEN

Sunday, April 3, 2016

The iPhone SE Review

I bought the iPhone SE on Thursday when it came out and in ways I really like the phone but in other ways I dislike it.  Don't get me wrong the SE is REALLY fast, but after using the 6s it's hard to go back to a phone with a smaller display and no 3D Touch.  I've been using now for 4 days and I couldn't use it anymore so I decided to switch back to my 6s.  For all the people that like small phones, you need to get this phone ASAP.  But for people used to bigger screens stay with larger phones don't change to the SE.  One of the biggest issues I have with this is that it doesn't have 3D Touch, because it is helpful and more efficient to use it.  When I did a tear down of the phone I realized that some of the parts in the phone dated back to before the 6s was made.  This means that they used the leftover parts of the 6s in the SE.  So it's your choice if you want to buy the phone or not but you should go by my suggestions and see if it's good for you or not.

Sunday, March 27, 2016


I almost always wind up going to party's. Tonight I am at my sisters friends party and I am bored out of my mind so I decided I should write a blog.  Right at this moment there is a candle lighting going on.  A candle lighting is when you thank your family for doing things for you.  For example you thank your grandparents for being there when your parents aren't and you thank your cousins for always being there for you.  And of course you thank your parents for helping you with everything.  Then after the candle light they play mellow music and everyone eats there dinner.  Since this is a Persian party it runs really late.  They usually run from about 6 p.m. to 2 a.m.  It's exhausting, all we do is dance and eat food.  And the bad part is food is served really late like at 11:30.  And tomorrow morning I need to wake up at 9 to go to six flags so I am going to have a big issue there.  Anyways good night everyone and wish me good luck.

Monday, March 21, 2016

It's the day!

Today is the day when Apple will be releasing its newest iPhone among many other things.  They have already sent out the invite to many people and it is said to be held at their Cupertino headquarters today at 10 AM.  No one is sure what will be released there, but it's is rumored they may release a new iPad Pro that is 9.7 inches diagonally.  They will either release the Apple Watch 2 or new watch bands and they might release a new MacBook Pro.  I am very excited to see what they will be having in this even and will be following it live from Be sure to check it out and if you are excited for the new iPhone SE or any other rumored device put a comment down below.  I will be buying one of the released products as well to give a review on it comment on this blog which device I should review.  Check back tomorrow for more info on the meeting Apple is having today.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

iPhone SE

Hi guys I'm back with some more info on the iPhone 5se, well actually there is some knew info saying it will be called the iPhone SE.  The iPhone SE will be a small version of the iPhone 6 and 6s.  It will have the same rounded looking body as the 6 and 6s but the size of an iPhone 5s. It will have an A9 apple processor which is the same one used in the iPhone 6 so it will be a year behind, but they don't really need the newer chip because the phone is small and won't need to push out as many pixels.  What I mean by this is that the screen is small so it will be letting out a smaller image which doesn't need a big processor. Another reason they don't need the newest processor is that the SE will not have 3D Touch one of Apple's biggest achievements.  The SE isn't going to have any good new features in it, it's just going to be smaller.  Since it is smaller, it's price is smaller.  The SE is predicted to go for $450 to $550 without a contract.  Apple is never cheap but this is the cheapest iPhone you can get. If it were me thinking of buying this phone I wouldn't because it will become slow very fast. It has a smaller processor and when they come out with new updates it will become very slow, but if you are thinking about purchasing this phone it is said to be out in the market on March 21, 2016.  I will be buying the phone on that date so check back with me on the 21st to see what I have to say about this phone.

Sunday, February 21, 2016


This weekend I went to magic mountain. We went on many rides like Goliath, X2, Drop of Doom, Superman, and so much more.  The lines were crazy long though. We waited at least an hour and a half for X2.  We walked around the park as well, it was a beautiful day for walking around. Especially around 4 when it began getting a little dark, and the weather began to cool down.  When it began getting dark we decided to go on superman.  Superman was so cold inside the line and it was a 45 minute wait. I had no jacket on and it was freezing, but it was worth it. The ride had a very cool design; it had icicle sorts of designs and said Krypton. After the long 45 minute wait I got on the ride and zoomed up at 80 mph, it was thrilling, but not as much as the Drop of Doom.  After Superman we went to the Drop of Doom.  It was a 5 minute wait.  It seemed like people are too scared to go on it 😂.  Anyways when I got on and the ride began going up I began to get frightened and I wanted to come down but it was too late.  But it was worth it because I got to see an awesome view from 400 feet up.  After our last ride we went to Suzettes Bakery to get one of their world famous funnel cakes and then we left the park. All in all, I had a great day and it was lots of fun.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

iPhone 7: What's Coming

A recent rumour has surfaced suggesting that the iPhone 7 may have built-in Li-Wi, a super-fast wireless system that's similar  to Wi-Fi, which is capable of transmission speeds of up to 224Gbit/s. However, this mostlikely will not be the case. So, Apple might add it in later models but not the new iPhone 7.  The reason it won't be in the new phone is because it still needs to be tested and adapted to the new iPhones.  It may come out in 2018 with the iPhone 7s.  It may also come out with super fast wireless charging from 15 feet away.  This feature would probably also come with the 7s.  I don't know what will exactly be included in the 7 so I can't be sure about the 7s but it is expected to be on the 7s.  Check back to see if I find out anything else about the upcoming smart phones.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

iPhone 7: The "Revolution"

Hi guy and it's me again so today I will again continue with the iPhone 7 and iPhone 5se rumors.  It is rumored that the iPhone seven will have a larger speaker for more advanced and capable sound.  Speakers would use the circuitboard in other parts of the iPhone to amplify the sound.  This may use battery life but it will revolutionize the speaker. There has been a patent to make the iPhone waterproof but it's not 100% sure that it will happen but it will definitely be water resistant.  And there will also be 256 GB of storage.  Storage capacity makes it possible to take many 4K videos and not have all of your gigabytes finished. I know how much I hate it whenever I take videos and videos and videos but then run out of gigs and it gets very annoying. Also be a larger battery with the capacity of 3100 mAh.  Would help with the new technology for the speakers and also for the 4K videos.  Thank you guys so much check back next week for more rumors.

iPhone 7 and 5se Continued

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog if you don't already know this I have been writing about the iPhone 7 and iPhone 5se these phones are the next big phones for Apple, but are they really the next big phones. In my opinion no they're not the iPhone 5s eat an iPhone 7 or a waste of money and waste of technology. As I've already said Apple is getting rid of the headphone jack and they're also making the iPhone 5se, which is a knock off of the iPhone 6.  Sources are telling me that I blew it might also use a dual camera system on the iPhone 7 which will revolutionize taking digital pictures. This is one of the upsides of the iPhone 7 imagine taking a picture with two different cameras and then merging them together to make a super picture isn't that the dream.  I have not yet confirmed if the iPhone 7 will have for starch or not but i'm sure that the iPhone 5s will not have the 3D Touch /force touch function. Of these rumors and functions that I have been talking about are coming from patent that Apple has made recently. Has been rumored that apple and beats I'm going to make a new Bluetooth headphone because of the loss of the headphone jack.  My opinion these headphones will get a loss quickly and it won't last as long as the ones with strings. It can get lost so easily because it is so small and not attached to any string.  

iPhone 7: A Big Disappointment

Everyone that likes iPhones the iPhone 7 is coming out! But the iPhone 7 is a scam. Everyone thinks that the iPhone 7 going to be great but you guys don't know the tricks that I was going to put into the phone that is going to ruin iPhone forever.  Who's going out of their way to ruin their own phones they're removing the headphone jack imagine all the headphones you're going to have to throw away just because Apple is doing way that one awesome port for you to be able to listen to music.  If you have beach day can't wait for the iPhone anymore if you have any headphone that maybe $200 or more and it's not Bluetooth you can't use it with the iPhone 7 anymore.  Maybe adding they're waterproof feature to it but is that really worth losing the headphone jack, in my opinion it's.  They are adding other features but this one shocked me the most and I can't even get started with the other phone that they're creating the iPhone 5se.  This phone is basically going to be a knock off of the iPhone 6.  Here's the worst part it's going to have this please size iPhone 5s, 4 inches.  Who would want to buy an iPhone 6 with the smaller screen no force touch and also missing a couple other features of the iPhone 6s and 6 have. You want to learn more about the iPhone 7 and the iPhones 5se please wait for next weeks blog.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Saturday

This Saturday I went to Sky High Skateland and then a sleepover it was so fun.  As they went to my little sisters friends birthday party and it was pretty annoying but I had fun.  Was my sisters birthday party afterwords so I want to skyhigh till 12 AM G-D it was annoying.  But afterwards I was looking forward to going to a sleepover with my friends.  First we had a couple drinks and then began playing XBOX.  It was great I had so many kills. But then we were told to sleep (buzz kill!). After words we did a couple fire works and had a show.  By now half the people were sleeping.  And I went to sleep too, but then we all woke up at 1. Now let me tell you what happened at skyhigh I got in a fight with a couple people.  But it was all a joke we got into an awesome dodge ball match. We threw the ball at them and kept on getting them out but at the end they began to catch up we kept getting out and eventually lost.  My entire day was crazy and I'm going to sleep.  Goodnight everyone!!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Ski Dayz

This weekend I went to big bear. And me and my family went skiing to snow summit.  It was amazing I did jumps and tricks at the end of the day I had so much fun. But one getting the skis we came into a lot of difficulties. We have to wait in line for about an hour just to get rentals and then we found out that my sisters rentals were incorrect and we had to go get a new ones it was crazy we were getting rentals for about an hour and a half. And after getting the rentals we decided to go on the lift but it was crazy how packed it was we were waiting in line for about 10 minutes until we got on the 20 minute minute ride lift.  After we go onto the lift it was great we got on to other lifts that didn't take so long and it was.  All in all, I had a great time except for when I fell off this slope and ended up going into trees. After this we all went to the cabin and had some steak and kabob.  Since we had a slope at the cabin we also went sledding but that didn't turn out so great because I hit my head and had to sit down for a while?, but then I just went sledding again because it was so fun. This was a crazy adventure and I'm going skiing tomorrow as well, but instead of half day we will go a full day of skiing.