Sunday, April 10, 2016

Fake Friends

Whenever you go to middle school you realize somewhat who your friends should be and if they are going to be good with you or play their games on you.  I just found out I have one of those friends that plays games on me and speaks out of his butt.  He is always mean to people and always trying to get his way and bully others.  This isn't right. If you ever have a friend that constantly hits you or messes with you and it isn't a joke and it happens every day get away from them.  Your also gonna have those friends that teach you bad things, unfortunetly that what happened with me.  I had a friend that taught me bad things and got me into trouble all the time.  Well as of right now I'm down with him and all of his bs.  As of right now I'll do my best to never have a friend like that again.  I wish everyone luck and hope you don't get stuck into the situation that I got into and I hope I can get out of what is happening to me. FUCKKKKK YOUUUUU JUDSEN

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