Sunday, December 6, 2015

Universal Studio

This weekend I went to Universal Studios. It was so crazy!  We got there around 12 and stayed till 8.  First we went tot go eat at Krustys.  It was kinda funny because it was the clown from the Simpsons acting crazy, he was yelling at me for no reason then he said take a burger (my order was up).  Then afterwards we went to Waterworks the #1 rated show.  It was amazing there were jet skiers, fire, destruction, and war. It was about the entire world getting flooded with water and people are trying to find dry land. Then one person found dirt, which meant dry land was somewhere.  All of the clans got in fights to get the information out of the 2 people that knew where the dry land was so they fought and in the end the two people were the only ones left.  And it ended with them living happily ever after (like always).  Then we went on a bunch more rides but my favorite was going to see how movies are made. They use so many things and they use technology that is amazing you wouldn't believe it.  We went into one place where they flooded everything and it was crazy.  Thousands of gallons of water rushed through the area then got recycled.  The way they make earthquakes happen is also amazing they have cracks in the floor and then the floor and everything around it would begin to move then the train was about to hit the tram but it stopped right before it hit.  All in all, I had a great time and would like to come again.

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